Jen Blake

Jen BlakeJen started keeping a journal as part of the See Results at Healthworks Back Bay. She found that not only did she love writing it, but it also it became an important part of her weight loss and fitness process.  She realized that so many of us struggle with weight loss and fitness issues in a way that feel really lonely sometimes and she thinks that sharing those struggles (and whenever possible, laughing at them) can make all the difference.  She lives and works in Boston and can often be found at Healthworks Back Bay cursing under her breath at a trainer or secretly wishing that the snack bar served margaritas.

Jean Zove

Jean is a 28-year-old marketing professional and current graduate student in the Health Communication program at Emerson College and Tufts Medical School. She lives in Somerville and loves working out at the nearby Healthworks in Cambridge. Jean has a passion for nutrition and great food and loves exchanging recipes and culinary tips with others. With a full grad school course-load, part-time work, and full-time commitment to healthy living, she is constantly challenged by the “great balancing act” of time, energy, and resources. Her blog entries reflect her (mostly) successful efforts in living a healthy, busy life.


Carol Wilson

Carol’s professional life has been rooted in the field education with teaching as the primary strand that links and weaves her experiences.  Throughout her many adventures, a trusted journal and favorite pen have been at the core of her explorations.  Since adolescence, she has allowed her writing to guide and heal as she questions and creates her life.  In the last decade, exercise became a valued partner to her writing and a powerful, healthy duo of disciplines was nurtured.  More recently, major life changes have brought shifted priorities, leaving little time for these two passions.   Now she is working to refocus her energies, returning to her recipe for healthy living.  Who knows where these blogs will lead her, or you, but remembering what she knows about nutrition, exercise, moving emotions and experiencing each moment deeply will be the trampoline from which she jumps.